Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Photorealistic Self Portrait #2

Yes, it's me. I'm fond of the rear foot, and the worried overbite.

Natural Born Button Pusher

Detail of the following picture of a photorealistic self portrait of myself, The Artist.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Flipper offer

Sullen narwhal

You don't want to ask him to put out his smoke and you definitely don't want to call him "unicorn of the seas" or any sappy shit like that. He'll cut you.

Photorealistic Self Portrait #1

I did a simple doodle with a blue markup pencil. I liked elements of it, so I put it on the light table and traced it with a crow's quill and some india ink. I also liked some elements of the ink, but as usually happens I missed the depth I lost when I took the ink off under-drawing. I kept both drawings, so I scanned the pair and recomposited them. Viola. I mean Cello. I mean Banjo. Whatever.
I'm very fond of the curves around this guy's nostrils. It's not a great drawing, but it has a couple of morsels of Seuss and Basil Woverton.

Doodle of pigs and humans: detail

This looks to be an earnest approximation of the Guernica horse, only with chewing tobacco instead of civil war. In the full doodle there are some poorly-executed pigs, whence we get the ears framing our hero's enviable cleft.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Stain doodle 3

We're beyond Quasimodo now and on to the guy with halitosis at the Virginia Inn who wants to talk about Beckett's use of silence and the space between words and you can't leave because he bought the round.

Stain doodle 2

This is the 2nd page of food stain. Still Quasimodo, but less Ned Beatty, and significantly less Ned Beatty finding a cold MGD and more the drunk guy at table 11 asking, "you call this posole?"

Car series #8

If the House of Bourbon was a glass house, I would hope this was parked in the driveway.

Car series #7

Here's your car. What's your hurry?

(Since I have nothing else of interest to report, I'm going to go ahead and admit it's taking an enormous amount of self-restraint to keep from posting pictures of my kids here. They're just the cutest things.)

Stain doodle 1

I left an apple ... or a potato or a part of a haddock or something ... on a stack of paper in my office. The next Monday the food had spoiled and left a set of stains on the paper. The top sheet had an image that looked like this, somewhere between Quasimodo and Ned Beatty reaching into an ice chest for a beer. I just traced the lines with a black Prismacolor.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Chimp thing

The direct ancestor of four-hands guy. Possibly his father.

Four hands guy

Car series #6

This is completely Mok's fault. I don't remember the exact circumstances any more, but it probably involved him making "yer chikken" noises. So I included it in the proposal stack. I'm smart like that. Mok is another pencil and photoshop deity.

Car series #5

Car series #4

Car series #3

My old pal Royden Lepp, who wields a mighty pencil, was fond of this vehicle.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Car series #2

I got a million of 'em.

Car series #1

A few years ago the art director of the company I was working for sent out a call to all artists to do concept sketches of cars for a kid's car game. I knew I wouldn't be able to render a plausible Maserati, so I relied on my strong suit of being mentally ill and came up with this series.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

This view of life

I have an idea for a video game involving birds, so I draw a lot of birds. Here is an occasion where my fundamental optimism about nature seeped into a doodle.

Fedge for the holidays.

In the late 70s my brother purchased a clock radio, a Sony Dream Machine. It had blue LED numbers and an integrated dimmer. The day the warranty expired the CPU suffered an aneurysm and would become unstuck in time as soon as the dimmer was triggered by darkness. The fact that he was renting a windowless basement room, known without affection as the rubber room, guaranteed frequent appearances of an LED numerical figure that looked like a backwards F which Owen named "Fedge," as in, "oh, I have to get to work, it's 18 after Fedge." Then, some 20 years later, I drew a rat and stole the name.

The Chimney Pansy

Someone else has probably drawn this cartoon before. And that's OK.

The McTurbin Series: Figure 1

Sometime in the early part of the century I started doodling figures based on an initial shape of approximately a wilted parsnip, plus limbs, facial features and the odd nasty bit. I think this was the first one. The later, male version somehow became named Diapers McTurbin, so this became (recently ... okay today) Mrs. McTurbin.

Harbinger of things to come.

I think I'll just post some doodles.
Not necessarily good doodles.

It's been a hard day's night.

I am a single father from Nova Scotia. No, wait. That's someone else.
I am a married father of two blond loud things in Seattle. My wife is nice. Any more information than that and someone is likely to stalk me.

Bad stalkers.